Last year I was again in Mumbai for the Ganesh Chaturthi festival. The noise levels were deafening and harmful to health. I’d downloaded an app to track noise and began getting readings. Unfortunately, they exceeded the 110db max of the app/iphone to register. My ears hurt and the newspapers were reporting readings from around the city. This year the NGO Awaaz Foundation working with other NGO’s like Sprouts and Sanskar India are collaborating to engage the citizenry in tracking and mapping noise control.
This group is promoting NoiseWatch as the Ganeshotsav App ( iOS Download) for both Android and iOS. They hope to use the data to track noise control violations in different localities across the country. The article says participants can also upload collated date on Citizens’ Noise Map page on Facebook. I don’t actually see the link although I’m sure in a few weeks time this city will be the nosiest on earth.
During the final day of visarjan last year, members of Awaaz Foundation, an NGO which campaigns against noise pollution, had recorded an all-time high reading of 121.4 decibel (dB), produced by a tasha, a traditional instrument in which a metal hammer is beaten on a metallic plate. The noise was amplified through cone-type loudspeakers. via Mumbai: Ganesh Visarjan revelry on final day likely to go quiet after midnight – Hindustan Times.
App announcement seen in HindustanTimes on August 27th, 2013. Actual app provided by Eye on Earth.